Channel: Fusion Productions
Category: Comedy
Tags: buttfixepic rap battlefushion productionshamim hasan sarkarhot bangladeshi videofusion productionsfusion productionmr. michaelscience vs commercenew music video 2018bangla rap 2018mango squadbangla music video 2018tawhid afridinew bangla funny videobhai brothers ltdvideo baba productionsolot-palotsalman muqtadirgaan friendzteam possible
Description: Hey guys we are back again with our new Rap battle. Firstly we don't want to prove any dominance of any faculty. All are equal, this is what we believe. Please don't get butt-hurt in any way. And special thanks to Shamim Hasan Sarkar bhai from Mango Squad for collaborating with us! Role played by ------- Rafid Mahadi :- Ahnaf Nasif :- And the one and only "Shamim Hasan Sarkar" (Mango Squad) Directed and Lyrics by Ahnaf Nasif Video Edited and Cinematography by Rafid Mahadi Rec and Mix mastered by Nafiz Pran Beat Produced by Jacob Lethal beats We will be back after a while. Wish us luck for our HSC exams. Stay connected on our fan page :- LIKE |SHARE| SUBSCRIBE! cheers!